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Discover the Acelera pyme Platform and how it helps SMEs in their digital transformation processes.

03 Sep 2021. 14:39
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  • SME maturity
    1. Acelera pyme
    Scope to digitize
    1. Others

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Learn, get inspired and discover your level of digitalisation on the Acelera pyme Platform.

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Pill about Acelera pyme Platform and how it helps SMEs in their digital transformation processes

Nowadays, digitalisation is redefining all areas of our daily lives and our businesses, which are in a continuous process of reinvention to be able to keep competing in an increasingly digital market.

This need for digitalisation of companies has boosted the creation of SMEs’ support programmes, as they represent a large part of the Spanish business fabric. In this context, Acelera pyme is an initiative that is included in the Digitalisation of SMEs Plan 2021-2025 and shows the government's commitment in promoting the digitalisation of the business fabric and the Spanish economy, encouraging entrepreneurship and boosting companies’ competitiveness at a national and international level.

The initiative has two lines of action - the network of Acelera pyme Offices and the Acelera pyme Platform - which work towards a common goal: to support SMEs like yours in the digital transformation process. 

In this post we focus on the Acelera pyme Platform to introduce you all the resources and benefits it offers.


What can you find on the Acelera pyme Platform?

  • Self-knowledge

A fundamental section of the Platform is composed of the self-testing tools. These tests are available so that you can understand the current situation of your SME in terms of digital transformation, discover the areas that are already digitalised and identify those that you need to boost. In this section, you will find two tests, one express and one advanced, which analyse the level of digital maturity of your SME. You will obtain a study of your business situation in each area of digitalisation and recommendations so that you can start or strengthen this process of change.

It also includes a cybersecurity test, helping you to find out whether you have the plans and tools to ensure that your company is properly protected, and to discover those areas that need to be strengthened. This information will allow you to anticipate potential risks that may arise in the future.


  • Inspiration

In the real stories section, you can learn how other SMEs have approached the digitalisation process. Find inspiration in their stories and discover different ways to address the change depending on your business needs. If they have been successful in driving digitalisation in their companies, you can do the same.


  • Learning

You will be able to expand your knowledge through a large variety of informative resources about digitalisation, covering the eight most relevant areas of digital transformation. You will find a broad range of documents that offer you interesting content to apply in your business in different formats, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs (infographics, videos, papers, articles, etc.). You will also discover the approach of great experts who will help you based on their experience in the sector, providing you with highly valuable content. In this section, you also have access to a catalogue of solutions, services, grants and tools offered by the collaborating entities.

You can also find information about a wide range of training courses on digital transformation. Workshops, talks, and events that will allow you to learn about all the latest updates in the world of digitalisation, providing you with the knowledge you need to drive the process of digital change.


  • Grants

If you have decided to join the digital change, in the grants section you have access to funding search engines and to the main portals of current grants and funding for the digitalisation of your SME. This extensive catalogue shows you grants at all levels: state, regional, local and from the European Union.


  • Physical offices

Would you like to know more? Discover your nearest Acelera pyme Office with the office finder, and how you can contact them so they can provide you with personalised advice to help you boost your business through digitalisation.


  • New content

In the new content section, you have organised the new content that has been uploaded to the Platform. However, if you want to know the latest updates on digital transformation, we recommend you subscribe to the newsletters, being able to choose between multisector, commerce sector or both, depending on your interests!


  • Other programmes for SMEs and much more

On the Platform you can find out more about Digital Spain 2025 and the Digital Toolkit Programme, a support programme that will allow you to introduce digital tools quickly and easily. You can also find all the workshops, conferences, and talks in the agenda section, so you won't miss anything, and you can save that day in your calendar.


In addition, any questions you may have about this initiative can be answered on the about Acelera pyme section, where you have access to all the information about the actions included. Find out why and how it started, and all the advantages and benefits it can bring to your SME.


The Acelera pyme Platform is an instrument that allows you to easily access all the resources, tools, and updated information on digitalisation. Launching your SME into digital transformation can be a complex process. For this reason, this Platform offers you all the help and support you need, so that you can adapt your SME, ensuring that digitalisation does not become a barrier for your business. Discover Acelera pyme and join the digital change!

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